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The useEffect Cleanup Function

These days I am following a really good React course on Udemy (React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)). It’s a great course as the teacher provides...

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September 7th, 2022

Javascript objects

Accessing Objects With Bracket Notation

During these weeks, I have decided to revise some JavaScript while pushing the pram at home and making my lovely daughter fall asleep. It turned out a great way to do this...

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March 11th, 2022

fetch api

Fetch API, Async Await in a few bites

Fetch allows to perform network requests by writing way less code than using XMLHttpRequest, and it implements the promise API under the hood...

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April 11th, 2021

About me

Alice Moretti

I am Alice, a frontend developer based in Helsinki. I love coding and writing about it.